Experience the magic of animated cinema in the middle of the city as we project a stunning film screening onto the Scandic City Hotel building at Nygaardsgata 44 (car-free street), courtesy of the innovative and Fredrikstad born director Kristian Pedersen. Join us for a captivating experience outdoors featuring four film gems: Little Boy, Zolle: Resign, Däncing Düplös and The Boyg. All films that tells compelling stories through strong visuals, and sometimes abstract animation. The films will be screened continuously from 18.30 to 21.00, and the event is free and open for all. So stop by and have a look, or immerse yourself in all four films – you decide.
NOTE! New location is at Nygaardsgata 44, right outside Scandic City in the car-free zone.
This event is made possible through a collaboration with Mikrofilm, Barco and Scandic City Hotel.