Anna Tystad Aronsen is one of the true pioneers of the Norwegian Animation Scene. She was one of the central figures behind the first studio for animation in Norway, ABC Tegnefilm, that her partner Bjørn Aronsen established in the early 1960s. Being an active animator until her retirement in 2003, her productions include dozens of animated commissioned films as well as numerous short films and TV-specials.
In this talk, Anna, along with her daughter Nille Tystad and Professor emeritus at Volda University College Gunnar Strøm, will focus on the early days of Norwegian animation and how animation made its impact on the headlines in Norway. The session will also include a presentation of Anna Tystad Aronsen’s work and her film Trøbbel, which stand as an early example of how animation can be used to deal with sensitive and controversial issues. The talk will be held in Norwegian.