An experienced VFX supervisor and two young, up-and-coming animation talents present the seventh edition of Fredrikstad Animation Festival’s seminar: “Educational”. The seminar is directed at students in art and media and will give an insight into different aspects of animation, visual effects, design and film production. It is open to all who are interested.
First up, Ivan Kondrup Jensen, a VFX supervisor at Ghost VFX in Denmark, will give a presentation discussing some of the studio’s work. This includes special effects for renowned productions such as Rogue One and Black Panther, as well as for smaller Nordic productions.
After that Tommy and Marcus Vad Flaaten, or “Twintrash” as the boys call themselves, will tell the story of their journey from teenagers with a love for drawing to directors of a global production. In 2016 the boys stood out at the festival’s student program with their film Blueberry. Today they direct their own animated TV-series for Disney