The potential of animation as horror – What characterizes animated horror? What is the value of it? And what are the fruitful synergies between the medium of animation and the genre of horror? These are some of the questions that will be asked in this symposium on animated horror.
Animation and horror share several traits: They are both pop cultural forms of expression that reanimate the seemingly lifeless; they are both characterized by the transgression of borders, and they are both allowed to be boundlessly inventive in their expressions. A premise of this symposium is that horror is a genre that is apt for dealing with fear, and not only for creating fear in the audience. We ask: What are the unique qualities of animation in its ability to treat and give expression to fear?
The keynote speaker of the symposium is Stacey Abbott, a Professor in film and television studies, who has written extensively on the topic of horror. She will discuss the fascinating synergies between animation and horror. Associate Professor of film studies Endre Eidsaa Larsen will present some theories of why horror matters, and suggest how animated horror can rework our sense of the familiar. Finally, Ray Whitcher, lecturer at the Department of Game Design in Uppsala, will discuss how the so-called Grimdark genre can be used as a framework for storytelling.
The symposium also includes screenings, a discussion among the speakers, and a Q&A with the audience. Welcome to a peaceful symposium on horror!