Daniel Wiklund - Fredrikstad Animation Festival

Daniel Wiklund

Daniel Wiklund is a Swedish audiovisual and spatial installations artist in Stockholm. He graduated from the School of Fine Arts in Stockholm and has since graduating in 2012 run his own production platform called Hypnorama.se with video installations, music videos and VJ performances for artists, festivals and various cultural events. He has also had installations in several different independent galleries throughout Sweden, as well as in cities like Berlin, Denver and Fredrikstad. He most often focuses around the basic elements in moving images, such as color, shape, perspective and sound, often with a tendency towards an abstract transcendent imagery. The events that Daniel Wiklund has participated in are often outside the established art world and he looks at the alternative art scene as more appealing to work in, because, as he said himself, it has a more appealing and playful mind that is often lacking in the art world. Daniel Wiklund’s visual work will be preformed together with Captain Credible, during animated club, Friday night at the Litteraturhuset.
